This is the opening 2 minutes to The Mechanic. In these opening two minutes we already see loads of conventions to the Action genre for example we see a foreign villain which is usually in Action films it makes it more effective as some people may feel like they hate the villain more. Another convention we see is bodyguards with big guns in a huge house this shows that the villain is rich which makes some viewers hate the villain even more as all they aim for is to hate the villain. Another convention we see is the big muscle man as the main character on the hero. The reason why they get big muscle men is to be attractive to the audience it makes woman love him and men want to be him especially the target audience of teenagers would like to be as big as him.
Some key questions were left asking are who is this villain? Why did he deserve to be killed? Who is this main character? And why does he get the authority to kill someone? How does the camera add effect to when the good guy is killing the bad guy? We ask these questions to watch the rest of the movie and find out what happens. These questions link to the conventions of an Action movie for example were asking who is this main character? In most action movies the main character is left a mystery for example the James Bond franchise. We also learn some key information for example we sort of know that this main character must be some sort of spy to be able to sneakily kill the guy in the water and escape quite easily. We also find out it will be an action movie as we do see guns, a foreign villain, a rich villain and a muscle main character which are all conventions to action genre.
Some sounds we hear are the non diegetic music meaning we can hear it but the people in the movie cannot. Some examples of diegetic sounds we and the actors can hear are the woman's screams when she finds the dead body this is effective because it adds the shock and how long it took for them to realize showing it was stealthy. The camera is used
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