This is the opening 2 minutes to popular Horror movie series Paranormal Activity this being the 4th in the series. From this opening 2 minutes there is many indicators to it being a Horror movie for example the first one we see is the date pop up on screen, it reads October 31st 2011 and everyone should know this date means its Halloween. This is the perfect time for Horror movies as it is meant to be a scary time. Another indicator is the camera effect it isn't a normal movie with different cameras placed on a scene, its different were placed in there hands it is a hand held camera to add the effect of us being there I think the scenes would be much different if we were just watching it from the camera shots.The last indicator would be when we see the guy holding the camera walking up to the scarecrow the music starts to make the scary feel and he walks slowly, now this may not be the scariest of scenes but it gives a image of things to come in this movie and shows that this movie will have jump scares.
Some key questions we ask from these first 2 minutes are what makes this Horror movie different? Because recently viewers say Horror movies are getting repetitive so how do they make this one different? Another question we ask is what will the paranormal activity be? Could it be the house? themselves? there new neighbors? We ask these questions to watch the movie so we answer these questions.We also find out quite a bit of information in the 2 minutes for example we find out that there is a family and the daughter and son go trick or treating with the girls best friend who has the camera. We find all that out as she says at the end hes her best friend and we know the other 2 are a family because they went to there house with there parents. We also find out it is Halloween in the first 30 seconds as it says October 31st 2011.
Some sounds we hear in the 2 minutes are we hear all the other people trick or treating, we hear the scarecrow scare the guy with the camera, the sweet being pored on the counter, the house has a sort of echo this could be more effective with screams later on in the movie and finally we hear the typically noises of the dark later on whilst there walking to a party like owl noises etc.
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