Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Institution Research

This is our institution that we made special for our film because we didn't want to copyright any other institution. We made it through paint and we put it in adobe premier element an thats where we added the title. We chose it to be like this because we feel this was like a real institution and it suited a institution very well. When we made it we researched other institutions like Opening Title and Warner Bros and we liked the way they were both animated so we decided to go for a animated look to our institution. We chose the name "Infinite M" because movies are always changing and never end hence the infinite part.

We liked the look of the Warner Bros. logo in front of animated clouds and we wanted to try do something like that but it didn't work out as well as we had hoped. We definitely wanted the animated feel to our institution but we just couldn't get it right with the clouds so we thought we would change it to our own type of animation and our first idea for a title was "City Movies" so we thought we would combine our two ideas and we made the city image you see there and we made the sketch to colour animation which we really liked. Here is our first idea.
 As you can see its very similar to the one we have now but we decided that it didn't really work for us and we decided to change it the version we have now. we didn't like it because the clouds on the black screen didn't look good. We tried many different looks like no black background but the writing didn't work, everything we tried just did not work for us so we decided to scrap the whole thing.


This is our script. We worked hard on the script to get it perfect and we feel like this suits an opening 2 minutes very well. We looked at other opening two minutes scripts from other movies and tried to base it of that.

We compared our script to Avengers script and you can see there quite similar. Our film and the avenger have a few technical elements for example the hologram and the speech at the beginning that sounds computer generated just like ours. We tried to add in some sci fi language like they do saying things like energy surge and tesseract. Because we were doing a science fiction film we were obviously going to compare our scripts to other sci fi scripts and because these other scripts had so much technical elements in the movie we decided we had to add some technical stuff such as our hologram and our AI that talks.

Monday, 30 January 2017

Logo Research

This is the first choice and the one we are most likely going to use. We chose this one because it has a science fiction feel to it and we feel that it suits our film very well. We found this one on the internet on the website cooltext.com.

This is our second choice title it is very unlikely we are to use this title because it does not have a science fiction feel to it but more of a horror theme and we don't want our audience to get confused. We also found this font on the website cooltext.com. There were many reasons why we didn't choose this font straight away when looking at it you would  not guess that the movie is a sci fi movie you would feel this is some sort of horror movie. Another reason is that it looked scruffy and we wanted a clean looking font.

Monday, 9 January 2017

Interview #2 Eduardo Rojas Ruiz

Eduardo will play the antagonist role this is the interview we conducted the questions we asked are specifically for this role. We did the interview on eduardo as he expressed interest in playing a villain. When we did the interview we asked very specific questions to what a actor would be asked on playing a villain and we feel he answered very well and this is why we decided to have him as the villain for our movie.

Interview #1 Vicky Stanbridge

Vicky Stanbridge will play the protagonist role and this the interview we conducted for her and the questions we asked were specifically for this role. The interview we did tried to show that she was perfect for the role and it is why we chose her to play the hero. This interview we conducted had very specific questions for the hero role and we felt that she answered them very well and it is why we chose her to be the main role.


9th December
This is our little filming where we only had to film a little 20 second scene. We needed a dark background and we thought that the art dark room was perfect for the shot we needed. We used a black curtain as a background and turned off all the lights part from a flashlight aimed at vicky.

13th December
This was the day we started our first filming session, we decided to use the drama studio as we felt it was the best place we could think of to film a dark scene and add to a spaceship feel to it as there are some technical equipment in there. We shot most of the things we needed there in the editing we did cut a few things but in the end it looked very good. 

17th December
This was the proper day of filming as this is where we would do most of the filming. We went to Ashtead Common and filmed all that we needed to film. We chose ashtead common because of its wooded area and we thought it would be a perfect place to show that our hero is lost and does not know when she is. Whilst we filmed we had to get perfect shots and we had to choose the perfect place in the wooded area. Also when filming we filmed so video diaries.

December Holiday
Throughout the whole holiday me and tom edited the movie on the software adobe after effects and we had to cut some bits and we had to change some things but in the end it turned out very well. After effects allowed us to have all the technical elements you see in the film. We still edit a few things today but theres not much left to do and we uploaded the video on January 16th. 

Research and Planning Feedback

Your planning needs evidencing fully - so upload everything you have for submission.  Schedules, interviews with actors, video diaries, storyboarding and scripting, soundtrack research, title research all need in depth consideration from you.